Defining Themes (2.4)

Defining Themes (2.4)

Matching your organisation's standards

Applies to Omniscope 2.4 only.

Themes are combinations of display settings you can change under Appearance > Look and Feel. These settings control most of the visible aspects of each file, outside of the controls available within individual views. By default, a built-in style called Default is used for every file. A menu of alternative pre-defined themes is available Appearance > Themes. You can see the different colouring effects by changing the style applied to the open file.


Ice Blue

Darth Vader


Create a corporate style corresponding to your corporate colours and general style of presentation, using a combination of official logos, font settings, colours and effects, which you can define using Appearance > Look and Feel.  Once you are satisfied with all the settings, name and save your official style preset and it will become a new option on your Appearance > Themes  menu. You can also copy this customised style preset to others in your organisation (see below), so that the official corporate preset is available in the same menu to everyone configuring files.

Customising, Saving, Exporting & Installing styles

If you change any settings relative to the current style preset, the Preset selection drop down will show that the new altered preset is not saved. Click Save to give a name to the newly-modified style preset and save it to your installation, from which it will be available for future use, and transferable in the form of an .XML file you can copy across machines.

The settings corresponding to the new style preset are saved in a local .XML file named {YourPresetName}.XML. Anyone who creates a new file from an existing file can use the same style preset, which is part of the file.  However, anyone creating a new file will not have access to the custom corporate style unless it is first copied to their machine.


Currently, to make a style preset you have defined available to others, you need to find the file called {YourPresetName}.XML on your machine, send a copy of this file to others needing to originate (not view) files with his preset, and tell them the location on their machine to copy this file so that it will be available to them whenever they create a new Omniscope file.


The location to find/copy the .XML style preset files varies by version of Omniscope and your version of Windows, as described below:  

Omniscope version 2.4

C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Visokio Omniscope\UserThemes

Windows XP:

C:\Program Files\Visokio Omniscope\UserThemes

Revealing Hidden System Files

If your system is set to hide system-related files and folders, you may not see the above locations until you change this setting:

1. Open the folder options in Windows:

Windows XP:
Open menu [START] > Settings > Control Panel > Folder options

Windows Vista:
Open menu [START] > Control Panel > Appearance and Personalisation > Folder options

2. Click on the View tab and enable the option 'Show hidden files and folders'.