Non-Western data

Using Omniscope with Non-Western Languages

Setting Omniscope to use a font that fully supports your language and data

The default application-wide font used by Omniscope is Tahoma, which does not have the Unicode character set necessary to support non-western language text such as for Chinese and Japanese. However, you can easily configure Omniscope to use a different font that does support non-western text. There are three ways to do this, each of which is described below. The first two options are available on an installation by instalation or file-by-file basis. The last option can be used to share the change such that they persist across any number of installations from the time they are installed or updated (2.8+).

  1. Change the default application font that is used whenever your Omnscope installation is used to open any/all files:

    Settings > {Application wide} Application font 

    Making the change this way cannot be shared with other installations.

  2. Change a file specific font; changing this setting will mean only the particular file will have this font, any other files you open will use the application font setting. 

    Settings > {This file} File font 

    Making the change here will travel with the file, ensuring others open only this file with the same font). If the font is not available on a given recipient's machine, then the file will revert back to opening with their default application font.

  3. Edit the default configuration file in the reference machine used to export shareable branding packages, as described here. Then export the deployable branding pack from the reference machine and either distribute as an .ILF file to existing installations, or use the Bundled Installer.

On any given machine, the precedence of which font to use with a specific file is as follows, with the setting highest in the list below taking precedence, then the second highest, and so forth.
  1. File-specific font (if specified)
  2. Application font setting-locally set
  3. Custom font specified using shareable branding
  4. Omniscope default font (Tahoma, or other font depending on user's Settings > Language choice.
If for some reason a setting fails, then Omniscope will automatically roll-back to the next font down in the precedence order.

Some non-Western font recommendations

For Japanese

The following fonts are recommended for Japanese

  • Windows - MSPGothic recommended (you can also try: MS Mincho, MS Gothic, MSPMincho, MSUIGothic, Meiryo)

  • Mac OS X - AquaKana, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3,W4,W6,W8, Hiragino Pro W3,W6, Osaka, Osaka Mon

For Chinese and other non-western languages

For all other non-western languages "Arial Unicode MS" can be used. Other fonts can be used if they are available. However, "Arial Unicode MS" is known to work well and is included with Windows and Mac OS X10.5. For more information please refer to